Quantum Key Distribution vs Quantum Random Number Generator

May 20, 2022

Quantum Key Distribution vs Quantum Random Number Generator

Welcome to another exciting edition of the Flare Compare Blog! Today we're going to talk about two of the most exciting cryptographic technologies out there - Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNG).

Both of these technologies are used to generate secure cryptographic keys, but they do it in very different ways. Let's take a look at what they are and how they work, and then compare them side-by-side to see which one is better!

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

QKD uses the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics to generate a cryptographic key that is inherently secure. Here's how it works.

When two parties - let's call them Alice and Bob - want to communicate securely, they use a special device called a quantum key distribution system. This system generates a series of single photons, each of which is polarized in a random direction.

Alice and Bob each have a detector that can detect the polarization of these photons. They then compare their results and discard any photons that were measured differently.

The result is a shared key that is secure because any attempt to intercept or measure the photons would cause them to become polarized differently, alerting Alice and Bob to the eavesdropping attempt.

Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG)

A QRNG uses the unpredictable behavior of quantum mechanics to generate truly random numbers. Here's how it works.

A QRNG uses a device - often a laser or LED - that emits light at a very low intensity. Photons from this light are then directed randomly onto a detector, which records their arrival times.

Because the arrival times of the photons are unpredictable, the recorded data is truly random. This data can then be used as a seed to generate a cryptographic key that is just as secure as one generated using QKD.


So which of these technologies is better? Well, it depends on a few factors.

First of all, QKD is generally considered to be more secure because it relies on the physical properties of quantum mechanics. That means that any attempt to eavesdrop on the communication will be detected by Alice and Bob.

However, QKD requires specialized hardware and is relatively slow compared to other cryptographic techniques. QRNG, on the other hand, is much faster and more versatile.

Ultimately, the choice between QKD and QRNG will depend on the specific application and security requirements.


In summary, both QKD and QRNG are exciting technologies that can be used to generate secure cryptographic keys. QKD is generally considered to be more secure, while QRNG is faster and more versatile.

We hope you enjoyed this comparison and learned something new! As always, thanks for reading the Flare Compare Blog.


  • R. Ursin et al., "Entangled quantum key distribution over two free-space optical links," Nature Photonics, vol. 3, pp. 481-486, August 2009.
  • M. Nikodem et al., "Real-time randomness extraction from quantum key distribution systems," Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, pp. 2459-2470, September 2010.

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